Custom Drink Coasters, Bar Mats & Stubby Holders
Coastal Coasters has proudly been one of Australia’s top suppliers, specialising in printing bulk Drink Coasters, Bar Runners and Stubby Coolers for a vast range of hospitality and advertising industries.
Here at Coastal Coasters we are conscious of our environmental impact and our attempts to make our production as eco-friendly as possible. This is why we have teamed up with HalfCut Alliances to secure the protection of our beautiful rainforests. We also pride ourselves on sourcing the best quality stock from sustainably managed forests and reputable suppliers. Our commitment to the environment also reaches far beyond our production efforts by collaborating with companies such as Greenpeace and within our own business practices; our team members make every effort to create a more sustainable environment.

Our Office
Coastal Coasters
29 Millennium Circuit
Helensvale QLD, 4212
1800 686 590